samedi 3 novembre 2007

Echanges Halloween suite 2

Et voici la boîte réalisée pour Lilie. La broderie a été trouvé ici :

And here is the box I realised for Lilie and I found the chart here

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

De bien jolis échanges sur le thème d'Halloween.

Sachiko a dit…

Cute box!!

Yuko a dit…

Domy, how have you been doing?
If you red my blog, you knew what is happening on my PC (now I'm sending comment from mum's PC).
Have you received my e-mail???
I have sent it to you, but it wass from hotmail so it might be in junk mail box...
If you haven't receiving my mail, I will write you again, OK?
Just tell me about it by e-mail or just left a message on my blog!