(je me suis inspirée du tuto
http://larondedessacs.canalblog.com/archives/tutos_de_sac/p10-0.html mais j'ai rajouté une doublure ainsi mon sac est totalement réversible !!)
It's raining.... And ... what can we do if we don't want to iron, to do the housework or the washing, we have a look in all our box of fabrics and we sit behind our sewing machine, and few hours later and many cups of tea here the result.
( I found a tutorial
http://larondedessacs.canalblog.com/archives/tutos_de_sac/p10-0.html but I had a lining, my bag is totally reversible !!!)
Et j'ai aussi fait une petite trousse assortie !! Il s'agit de la trousse à tout http://innamorata.canalblog.com/archives/2007/10/03/6419932.html#comments
Bon week-end créatif, il va encore pleuvoir !!
And I also made a little stitcher's case you can have a look here to make it there's a video, and if you need some help send me an e-mail :-) http://innamorata.canalblog.com/archives/2007/10/03/6419932.html#comments
Have a nice creative week-end, it will rain !!